Masonry Cement (MC-II)
Masonry cement is a special blended cement that is mixed in specific proportions with sand and water to form a strong binding mortar. This mortar is notable for its strength, durability, aesthetic appeal and resistance to atmospheric and chemical deterioration. It is widely used for mortar and stucco work in stonework, block and brick masonry, but is not considered suitable strength-wise for concrete masonry.
Originally, masonry cements were created as time- saving, more reliable alternatives to on-site preparations of Portland cement and hydrated lime. They are a blend of Portland cement clinker, limestone or hydraulic lime filler and various additives. This blend is manufactured under controlled conditions in cement factories.
The ASTM classifies masonry cements into three main types, Type N. Type S and Type M. Type N masonry cement is used to prepare general purpose mortars that can be used in the construction o non-load bearing and exterior veneer walls. Type S and Type M masonry cements are used in mortars for load bearing structures as well as grade level and paving masonry.